MIGRAIN: Industries - Brand values

According to Gillian Dyer (Advertising as Communication, 1988) advertisers use, among other techniques, lines of appeal to create brand identities and attract their target audience.

Media companies use these images, references or suggestions to tap into our desires and make us ‘feel part’ of the brand. Dyer suggested lines of appeal could be classified into 13 groups:
  • Happy families - everyone wants to belong 
  • Rich, luxurious lifestyles - aspirational 
  • Dreams and fantasy 
  • Successful romance and love 
  • Elite people or experts 
  • Glamorous places 
  • Successful careers 
  • Art, culture & history
  • Nature & the natural world 
  • Beautiful women - men AND women like looking at beautiful women, so the thinking goes: men admire them, women admire what makes the men admire them. 
  • Self-importance & pride 
  • Comedy & humour 
  • Childhood - can appeal to either nostalgia or to nurturing instincts 

5 Brands:

1) Nike: I would say the line of appeal that Nike fits into would be elite people or experts, this is because, Nike wants to attract athletes or trainers. Nike sells trainers and sportswear that is designed mainly for people who will do a lot of exercise and working out. This is why Nike targets athletes or trainers, because they do a lot of exercising and working out. Nike wants to make their target audience to believe that if they buy their product, they will be able to do things better and more effectively, for example, they want the audience to believe that their shoes will make them run faster. (109 words)
Nike is about selling premium products that is aimed towards athletes. (11 words)
Nike in one word: premium (1 word)

2) Tesco: Tesco's line of appeal fits into happy families. This is because, Tesco wants to attract normal people that want a happy family and they want normal products that are just there for the average people, not millionaires or really rich people. Tesco want to attract people that can afford their products. Most of the products that Tesco sells are affordable and in within the target audiences' price range. Tesco is everywhere and is accessible to most families. Tesco is there mostly for the people that just want to buy normal standard groceries instead of premium, expensive products. (98 words)
Tesco is about selling standard groceries for normal, average families. (10 words)
Tesco summed up in one word: affordable (1 word)

3) Intel: Intel's line of appeal fits into happy families or elite people or experts. This is because, Intel wants their products to be in everyone's homes and for it to be the mainstream product that everyone uses. Intel's brand values are about quality products that work effectively and efficiently. Intel's target audience are families that use computers regularly and want to use it to browse the web or do simple tasks on the computer such as homework or just some work from the parent's jobs. Intel is usually just for people that don't want to play games with high graphics or video editing. (103 words)
Intel is about selling widely used products that are used by most families. (13 words)
Intel summed in one word: widely-used (1 word)

4) AMD Radeon: AMD line of appeal fits into elite people or experts or  rich, luxurious lifestyles. This is because, AMD Radeon wants their product to be used by professionals and elite people. AMD Radeon is for the extreme gamers that want to run games on the highest quality without having low frame rate. AMD Radeon wants to target people who are specifically buying a laptop or desktop for gaming or video editing. They target people that can pay a premium price for their products such as charging £300 for a graphics card. (92 words)
AMD Radeon is about selling products for the extreme gamers. (10 words)
AMD Radeon summed in one word: premium (1 word)

5) McDonald: McDonald's line of appeal fits into happy families. This is because, McDonald sells food for families and average people. They advertise their food by including children and families to make it look like kids will have a great time at McDonalds. They also advertise their food by including small toys in their happy meals for kids so they can come and buy the happy meal. McDonalds also brands their food to be cheap and affordable. This entices parents to bring their children to McDonalds for a meal. (88 words)
McDonald's brand is about affordable food. (6 words)
McDonald summed in one word: fake (1 word)


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